Love Addiction
Love addiction, also called relationship addiction, is characterized as being overwhelmed by a desire for another person to the detriment of other aspects of life (work, school, or family). Those who are love addicted become captivated with the feelings of romance, intensity, and sexual desire that tend to develop at the beginning of a romance. Love addicts have difficulty moving through more profound levels of intimacy and often leave a relationship after the “honeymoon stage.”
The love addicted tend to attach their reality to their lover's identity, basing their self-worth on their lover's reactions. They may have difficulty finding their individuality and act without boundaries. Consequently, they swing from extremes, being overly needy and engaging in needless/wantless behaviors.
Individuals suffering from love addiction may have affairs with unavailable partners (people who are married, for example) or have inappropriate relationships with others. Some will conduct several love affairs simultaneously to ensure the continuation of the euphoric high that romance offers.
Elana and her staff are trained in various attachment-based treatments to assist the client with changing patterns, opening up to loving themselves, and increasing the capacity to develop healthy attachments. Often, clients struggling with love addiction are repeating a pattern they are unaware of to receive love and connection.
Signs of Love Addiction
Fantasizing excessively, to the point of being unable to complete tasks
Spending an excessive amount of time and energy with a partner
Experiencing difficulty being alone
Using seduction or manipulation to hold onto a partner
Defining sexual experiences or romantic intensity as love
Using fantasy and romantic intensity to avoid painful emotions
Unable to complete tasks due to excessive fantasy
Lying to friends and family
Cheating on partners or spouses
Sexualize conversations